We are getting our new couch today. WE can't be happier about that. We have only been waiting about
14 weeks, maybe more. Can't really remember. 
I just came home from work and now am sitting here waiting for the guys to deliver the couch. 
Noone else is home so I have to be the one to tell them how we want to have it ;)

So ya, I just finished a shift at work, starting to work again 5.30pm. 
Thought I would be abel to rest now when am home, but actually I am not really tired. 
I had a good sleep last night so I'll be alright tonight.
Im off tomorrow day, but I am working tomorrow at the night. 

Me and babe had a good night last night. Roxy made us all a very good lamb rost and it tasted fantastic. 
Some ice cream for desert and then snuggle in bed ;) 

Just drove up to the shop quick and got some stuff for me and babe, also I got some sushi for me to have for dinner today. Since im driving to work again soon I wont be home for dinner. 

Hmm, we looked for tickets to Sweden yesterday. We found some good once, and when I get my next payment we will book them. :) Woho. Corrin is back to work again so we are all ready to go to Sweden. I am so excited to come home over christmas and see everyone. :)

Now I am going to do some dishes and relax, have some sushi etc. 
Have a good day u all <3


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