Its my dream

I'm starting to notice that no people are writing comments in here. I wonder if anyone is reading, maybe not. Maybe I should stop writing instead.

Anyway. I'm at work and I'm very very tired. It's middle of the night and I just want to go home and sleep.
Believe me when I'm saying that I'm going to sleep all day tomorrow (today).

Yesterday (Monday) me and Corrin were both of work and we had a lovely day together. We went into the city and had breakfast and after that we did some shopping. Or, I did some shopping. Bought quit a few stuff for my family back home and I hope they all will love what I'm going to give them. :)
After the city we went to fremantle to see if a shop was open but no, it wasn't so we went home. Bought movies on the way home as well and we watched "Bridesmaids". It's a very very funny movie. :) after the movie I had to lay down for a while because I was very tired and as you know, I'm working nightshift so powernap it was.
Had dinner and then me and Corrin went to bed. Lots of cuddling and tv watching :)

I have a dream. A big dream and I can't wait for it to come true. Almost every night I dream something about it and when I wake up and realize it's not happening I'm getting so sad. It's a dream I know will come true but honestly, I want it now. I don't want to wait for it anymore, but I guess, we all have to wait for our dreams to come true and sometimes dreams doesn't come true. :( I think I might have to be a good girl and maybe Santa will come with it for me? :D

Postat av: Desireé/Fredde

Klart att vi läser!!! Fortsätt skriv fast ingen kommenterar. Fredde hälsar att han längtar efter att få träffa er :) PUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

2011-11-14 @ 20:52:08
Postat av: Jonna

Klart jag läser din blogg !

Kul att se att du trivs ! :)

Vi får styra en fika nu när jag kommer tbx i januarii!

2011-11-15 @ 16:19:40

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