In our out

I think you have to decide pretty quick if your in or if your out. If your in, good, act like it and enjoy the ride but if your out, then leave me and my life alone.
I can't do this thing anymore, one day your in the next day I cant even reach you.
Your fucking with my brain n heart And it's already dusty in there.
You r more then welcome to attend my life but then go for it and stay there.. :)

Friday. I love Fridays. Weekend , fun stuff is going on and it's closer to our D day :)
Slept to like 3pm today. I went out to the pool and talked to Corrin n I had some crispybread ( knäckebröd ) with cheese for "breakfast". ;) yum.

Tonight we are going bowling. That's the thing with weekends. Every weekend we are getting all together and doing something fun. If not roadtrips then BBQ at home or partying or like today, bowling :) lovely.
I love it. there is nothing worse then just sitting home n be bored.

So 17 days until we are leaving Australia land and 18 days until we r landing in Copenhagen.. Woho.
Mama I'm coming home. ;)

Have a good day u all <3


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