Summer, heat and sun- it's all gone.
Today it's raining, it's thunder and lightning. :( I hate this weather. I'm never going to get a tan if it's not sun and heat. Summer, come back!

Today I've only 5 days left to work before Sweden! Very nice, I'm over it ;) haha! I think I want to become a stay at home mom or something, or maybe just a work I can stand for a while ;)

I'm shitty tired but I'm so happy I'm off tomorrow :) going to meet Holly up at the city for some shopping and maybe lunch :)

Tonight it's just snuggle and dinner with baby. We are going out for steak night ;) just what I need.. :)

Happy Gilmore at tv, so funny.
I'm off.

We found this friend in our garden yesterday, so scary!



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